Facebook 的創始人扎克伯格在他的首頁上跟大家分享了這個好動靜,這個身家 135 億美元¥的 80 後天才少年終於要當爸爸了!在超聲波檢查中,寶寶甚至還豎起了大拇指,還沒出生就先學會點讚了。

Facebook 創始人要當爸爸了


兩人在哈佛唸書時同時參加了一個私人 Party ,在廁所拐角相遇並一見鍾情這種戲碼,居然真的發生在了他們的身上。兩人交往 9 年後結婚了,他將婚禮辦得很低調,卻讓全世界都認識了他的太太 —— 一個毫不遜色於他的華裔姑娘。

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Facebook 創始人要當爸爸了

而現在妻子的第四次懷孕已安全渡過了風險期,行將迎接一個新生命的降臨。扎克伯格也主動把自己的閱歷分享了出來,獲得了 160 多萬¥個,並獲得了不少有過相似閱歷的人的回復,他們的互相勸慰、激勵,甚至有位曾經經流產的媽媽現在獲取了一對於雙胞胎。

Facebook 創始人要當爸爸了


Facebook 創始人要當爸爸了


前兩天看新聞說,40 歲的徐若瑄,作為高齡產婦,天天吃 13 顆葯,累計打針 200 屢次。卻還笑著給肚中的寶寶打氣,「只要你能至少撐到 32 周,媽咪再挨 100 針都沒問題,還有一個半月,咱們就快撐到了,咱們必定可以的!」

Facebook 創始人要當爸爸了

Facebook 創始人要當爸爸了

因為胎位過低,徐若瑄天天都是以腰部支起倒栽蔥的姿式躺著,水腫加劇讓她按摩的時候疼的尖叫出來,128 天沒洗澡,上廁所也要別人幫忙,卻還能堅持學英語,把英文筆記貼滿整整一面牆。每平安地渡過一天,都是上帝對於她的犒賞更多一些,永遠沒有人力可以擊退一個堅決強毅的但願,這樣,日子才有了更大的勇氣以及意義。

Facebook 創始人要當爸爸了


Facebook 創始人要當爸爸了


「This will be a newchapter in our lives.」

Mark Zuckerberg 臉書原文:

Priscilla and I have some exciting news: we're expecting a baby girl!

This will be a new chapter inour lives. We've already been so fortunate for the opportunity to touch people's lives around the world -- Cilla as a doctor and educator, and me through this community and philanthropy. Now we'll focus on making the world a better place for our child and the next generation.

We want to share one experience to start. We've been trying to have a child for a couple of years and have had three miscarriages along the way.

You feel so hopeful when you learn you're going to have a child. You start imagining who they'll become and dreaming of hopes for their future. You start making plans, and then they're gone. It's a lonely experience. Most people don't discuss miscarriages because you worry your problems will distance you or reflect upon you -- as if you're defective or did something to cause this. So you struggle on your own.

In today's open and connected world, discussing these issues doesn't distance us; it brings us together. It creates understanding and tolerance, and it gives us hope.

When we started talking toour friends, we realized how frequently this happened -- that many people we knew had similar issues and that nearly all had healthy children after all.

We hope that sharing our experience will give more people the same hope we felt and will help more people feel comfortable sharing their stories as well.

Our good news is that our pregnancy is now far enough along that the risk of loss is very low and we are very hopeful.

Cilla and our child are both healthy, I'm extremely excited to meet her and our dog Beast has no idea what's coming. In our ultrasound, she even gave me a thumbs up "like" with her hand, so I'm already convinced she takes after me.

We're looking forward to welcoming her into the world and sharing more soon when she's ready to come outand meet every one!

— with Priscilla Chan.


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